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"Berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita, demi bisa menjadi diri kita lagi."— Dee

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Love Siam

Yuhuuuu akhirnya perjuangan selama 4 hari menghadapi soal soal menyebalkan itu berakhir jugaa ^^. Setelah lama banget berjanji untuk memposting tentang film aa Mario, akhirnya sekarang punya waktu juga. Love Siam itu salah satu film Thailand terkeren yang pernah gw tonton, 

Yaah meskipun di sini aa (a.k.a Mario) gw seorang ho*o tapi kalau menurut gw itu letak ke-kerenan film ini, buat kita mikir gimana sih perasaan orang orang yang suka sesama jenis sebenernya, mereka gak sepenuhnya salah. Kalau dipikir pikir lagi, siapa juga yang mau di anggap gak normal? siapa yang mau dijauhin sama orang disekitarnya dan dianggap aneh? tapi kalau dipikir pikir pikir pikiiiiir lagi kita kan gak bisa ngatur perasaan, hati tuh selalu punya jalan pikirannya nya sendiri dan yang paling nyebelinnya otak kita sendiri juga gak bisa ngerti,

Tiap nonton film ini atau denger lagunya gw ngerasa film ini berhasil nyentuh perasaan gw, buat gw ngerti cerita cinta tuh bukan cuman tentang gw suka sama lo, lo suka sama dia, dia suka sama lu juga, gw patah hati deh *gubrak*

Meskipun film ini udah keluar tahun 2007 an, tapi gak mengurangi kekerenan filmya kok meskipun nontonya sekarang, Banyak banget award yang didapet sama film ini Film Terbaik dalam setiap acara penghargaan film besar nasional, termasuk Thailand National Film Association Awards, Starpics Magazine's Starpics Awards, the Bangkok Critics Assembly Awards, Star Entertainment Awards, dan Kom Chad's Luek Awards
Di salah satu part film ini, ada bagian Mew (Witwisit Hiranyawongkul) nyanyi buat Tong (Mario Maurer), dan gila liriknya tuh dalem banget, bolehlah ya kalau ada yang mau nyanyi lagu ini ke orang yang di suka, pasti langsung meleleh

ini lirik inggrisnya

If I said that this song is made for you, would you believe it?
It’s probably not melodious, not affectionate, not beautiful like other songs.
I want you to know that if there’s no love, you can’t write a love song.
But for you, my dear, do you know? I wrote it easily.
You’ve probably heard hundreds and thousands of love songs
that’s probably impressive
but with a similar meaning altogether, but if you listen to this song,
a song that’s written simply for you.
For you to understand the meaning of it, our hearts will then have a connection.
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.
Together as long as possible.
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there’s love naturally there’s hope.
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.
Love has many different descriptions.
And I've spent time, trying to find the one.
Finally, I realize every time you are near by.
That if my life is a song then you are the words
Fulfills with perfect rhymes
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.
Together as long as possible.
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there’s love naturally there’s hope.
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.
There’s a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.
There’s a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.
~ Rei W

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