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"Berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita, demi bisa menjadi diri kita lagi."— Dee

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

I'm letting go

Sebenernya postingan ini gw ambil dari note sahabat pena gw yang tinggal di USA lebih tepatnya di Iowa,

udah dari beberapa bulan yg lalu gw lost contact sama dia ,dan ini adalah salah satu lagu ciptaaan dia sendiri meskipun gw gak tau melodi nada nya tapi gw suka banget arti dari kata katanya,

kata kata yg paling gw suka itu yang :

What was between us now is dying

Im so through with what you do

Cause I know there’s more to life than you.

Im letting go

Im Letting Go by Alison Love Powell


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 12:38pm

Im letting go
Im letting go

I thought I wasn’t worth it
I thought you had it all worked out
Obviously my heartache
Didn’t matter to you anyhow

After everything I’ve been through
I should’ve known it all along
I’m not here for your conveinence
Cause your not here for me at all

Im letting go
Of a lifetime of heartache and pain
Im letting go
Of everything
Im letting go
Tears im crying
Theres no denying
What was between us now is dying
Im so through with what you do
Cause I know there’s more to life than you.
Im letting go

Everything I stood for
I considered leaving it all
Cause without you I thought I couldn’t make it
But you just let me fall

Falling down, you just stood around
You knew I thought u were everything
Foolish, I know, love made me blind
The pain fades as I sing

Im Letting go
Of a lifetime of heartache and pain
Im letting go
Of everything
Just letting go
Tears I was crying
There’s no more denying
What was between us now is dying
Im so through with what you do
Cause I know there’s more to life than you
Im letting go

You say the grass is greener
On the other side
I said no matter the color
You make the most out of life
Now with you gone, the future is bright

Im letting go
Onto a good time with no heartache and pain
Cause I let him go
He’ll never be everything
Im letting go
No more crying
No more denying
I got sick of all your lying
So I was through with all that you do
Theres so much more to life than you
I let you go

I let you go

I let you go

Ooo ooo ooo
I let you go
i wanted kayla and amber to see it so i tagged them...
o and my wonderful wifey emily.

deffinatly gonna put this one on the cd, which i am struggling with tremendously

i rather like this one. idk..

In this note: Kayla Mackenzie Swanson, Amber Nichole, Emily R. Mead

Updated about a week ago · Comment · Like

3 people like this.

Kayla Mackenzie Swanson

Kayla Mackenzie Swanson

this is...more than...amazing..i love this!!!!

November 18 at 7:31pm

Amber Nichole

Amber Nichole

I loved it! :/ (side smile) It was amazing! Yay for pronouns....

November 18 at 8:14pm

Alison Love Powell

Alison Love Powell

=D thank you! its not the same song but when i sing it my head keeps wanting to sing it to the tune of Im Letting Go by Fransesca Battestelli but its a completely diffferent tune and tempo O.O

November 19 at 2:16am

- Reisha wakeup

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